This page details my General Data Protection Regulation policy. The GDPR is concerned with the personal information about you that I collect, store and share.
The following paper documents will be securely locked in a filing cabinet:
Electronic documents will be password protected.
How I may Process/Share your Personal Information:
Emergencies: If your health is in jeopardy and having obtained your consent, I may share your contact information with an emergency healthcare service (e.g. Doctor/Mental Health Crisis Team). If I have become aware of your intent to cause harm to another person/organisation, the law may require that I inform an authority without seeking your permission. In such a situation, the law may require that I share your personal information without your knowledge.
Supervision: I have a monthly consultation with another therapist qualified in this process. The consultation process is for my practice, rather than seeking instruction on working with you. Any detail of my work that I share with my supervisor is confidential and anonymised, although I may use your first name.
Therapeutic Will: Your name and contact details will be shared with my Therapeutic Executor. This is so that you will be contacted on the event of my death, should you still be in therapy with me.
Erasing your Information: When we have finished working together, I will erase electronic copies of your information & correspondence within one month. I will hold onto your written information for up to three years past the end of our working together. This is so that I have a reference of our work together should you return to counselling in the future. After this time has passed, I will shred the written information.
You have the following rights: